Welcome to the PD0LQQ site!

My name is Jos and i live in the southernmost part of the Netherlands aprox 6 Km from the city of Maastricht in a village with about 1000 inhabitants.
My QTH locator is JO20VS, CQ zone 14 and ITU zone is 27.
This location is ideal for VHF en UHF because the height is 190 meters above sealevel!
I've been an listening amateur since i was 7 years old. and licend since 1981
I owe my hobby to my father, who is also a radio amateur with the call PA0ASA.
I can often be found on 2M.
145.450 Mhz is our home frequency of the region Maastricht.
For me, the hobby is mainly working on self-build projects, repairing and adjusting HAM equipment.
I also enjoy measuring in my measuring corner.
My favorite band is 20M and I can often be found there making DX connections.

This site is hosted on my own server at my home.
There are 4 domainnames running on this server namely pd0lqq.nl, mheer.com, shootingsports.nl
and josvanas.com

To the right is a foto from my shack in 1980, i was then 16 years old.
You can click on the foto for a bigger version, also almost ervery other foto on this site you can
see the big version in a new window.

On this site I give a general impression of my shack, antenna conditions, measuring equipment
and projects, enjoy!

On the right side you can see my Facebook page, you can like it if you want, thanks for that!

Pictures below are from my QSO's from 24 April 2018 till 22 Feb 2025 with my new
Ultrabeam dipole.
Also a few QSO's on the 2 meter band with my vertcale and horizontal antenna.
You can click on the picture to see the actual situation and you can zoom in.

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Below is the intro to my Youtube Channel please subscribe!
Direct link to my Youtube channel click here