Götting and Griem.


History of Götting and Griem.

Tranceiver and amplifiers from the company Götting From the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s, the Götting and Griem company in Röddensen near Hanover manufactured excellent FM transceivers and amplifiers.
I also own one devices myself.
To the prehistory Hans-Heinrich Götting, DL3XW was originally a farmer but had learned the technical basics of high-frequency technology in self-study.
He had been a member of the DASD since 1940 and after the war and after founding the DARC, he was a member of the DARC OV Hannover H 13.
After founding the OV Lehrte H 32, he was a member until his death.
As an autodidact, he quickly became a leader in the then young 2 meter technology and, together with Hans Jürgen Griem DJ1SL, built the tranceivers and amplifiers described below.
At the beginning of the 1960s, the EAM built a 110 KV route across the fields of OM Götting. At that time, there was the opportunity to build a shack with antennas at a height of 20 meters on a high-voltage pylon sponsored by EAM.
Around the shack, which could be rotated on a bogie of a former flack gun, were 24 13-element Langyagis with a length of 6.3 m each.
The crossbar and thus the antennas could also be rotated in elevation.
The first EME connection KL7 (Alaska) DL was achieved with this antenna.

The photo shows the antenna destroyed by a hurricane.

2 Meter Tranceiver


The first tranceiver in this series, the 2G70, came onto the market in the 1960s.
He was one of the first 2 meter transceivers that had a tunable transmitter and thus no longer required the usual calls on a quartz-controlled frequency.
Here is a block diagram of this tranceiver and a description of this tranceiver by Hans Jürgen Griem DJ1SL in the FM reports of those years: Article 2G 70

Also here is a description of this tranceiver by Hans Jürgen Griem DJ1SL in the FM reports of those years: Article 2G 70

Regarding the picture, it must be noted that the "TX" control to the left of the VFO tuning button is not standard, but comes from a modification.

                                       2G70: Frontview.